Ricky Dodd

Hey! I'm Ricky Dodd.I'm a .

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gethub is a GUI application that systematically downloads a specified GitHub user's public repositories, and archives and compresses the downloaded repositories to a file on disk. gethub spawned out of my own needs, as I wanted to be able to quickly and simply backup my public repositories.


Frontend Quiz

Test your front-end knowledge with an accessible quiz web application, featuring immediate feedback after submitting an answer and a score to see how you did. I used Next.js with TypeScript to take a design specification from Frontend Mentor and make it a reality.

Challenges included incomplete data, creating custom progress bars (due to the inadequacy of native progress bars), and generating slugs.

Live Website Repository

Planet Facter

Interested in the stars? An exercise in React, Planet Facter allows you to learn more about our very own solar system, whether you want to get more acquanted with the atmosphere of Jupiter or the surface geology of Mars.

Live Website Repository

Skills and Qualities

Full-stack Development

I provide a satisfying blend of experience and expertise. I am capable of reconciling front-end and back-end technologies to create innovative and user-focused products. I can help produce minimum viable products that help a business collect information about product viability, help produce market-ready products, and maintain and extend existing products.

  • ECMAScript / JavaScript
  • React
  • TanStack
  • TypeScript
  • Zustand
  • Next.js
  • Postgres

Automation Minded

I can create powerful automation pipelines, including, but not limited to, continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines. Monotonous and repetitive tasks that can be predicted to occur with sufficient regularity should be adeptly and adequately automated, so that interesting problems (such as difficult programmatic problems or stakeholder concerns) can be focused.

  • GitHub Actions
  • bash

People Person

At the core of technology is people. We create technological solutions to solve problems for people. It's about making the complexity of running businesses easier, providing fantastic user experiences, and solving everyday problems for everyday people. As there are a lot of people of varying expertise often developing a product, it is important to be able to communicate, to leverage the various expertise of many people, to help create something great for everybody.

Permanent Curiosity

The landscape is ever-shifting. There are always new technologies on the horizon, some of which repeat previous innovations and some which genuinely elevate the experience of end-users or developers. While there are technologies I have yet to explore, I am confident in my ability to pick them up and become productive quickly, adeptly, and enthusiastically.

Get in Touch

Interested in connecting? Whether you are a potential employer or a fellow enthusiast that wants to talk shop, you can reach me on LinkedIn.
